What is it for?
The person who fits the windows into the brick work is responsible for ensuring that the window complies with the building regulations and meets energy efficiency standards. Businesses who are registered with FENSA can only supply and fit windows that meet all of the regulations. It also shows that they work to all of the required standards.
What if I fit the windows myself?
As you cannot become FENSA registered as an individual fitting your own windows, You must get approval that your windows comply with building regulations from your local authority. The cost of doing this varies from £75 - £150 depending on which local authority you come under.
A building control inspector will visit your home and check that the windows comply with the building regulations and give you a certificate for proof. Only the windows themselves are inspected, and not the fitting.
What happens if I don't get my new windows checked?
Nothing will happen until you decide to sell your house. The solicitors involved will be asked by the mortgage lender to make sure that the windows comply with building regulations if they were fitted after April 1st 2002.
If you don't have the certificate, you can't sell your house. You can still get a certificate from building control issued before you sell your home, but it normally takes about 2-4 weeks to get it and costs between £75 - £150. You can also buy an insurance policy called 'Building Regulation Indemnity Insurance', which protects you if your local council take enforcement action - although this is highly unlikely. The cost of the insurance policy is around £50.
For more information about FENSA, click here.

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1 Hanford Close Ind Est
Stoney Stanton Road
Coventry, CV6 5TL
T: 024 7666 6991
F: 024 7666 4554
Company Registered in
England No: 03615729